
Fucker refuses to die, but it'd be appropriate if a GOT newswire would kill it.

Finally, something George R.R. Martin and I have in common.

I pity the foo!

IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE A [gets run over by a flying car]

Not bad for bland dad rock.

They are gonna need to sell a shitload of Nazi memorabilia to make up for that 90% ad revenue drop. They may even need to give up that Jewish gold.

No such thing as "AV Club Forums," Presidente Douchebaggo.

No such thing as "AV Club Forums," Presidente Douchebaggo.

[wakes up, rubs eyes]

Not much of a deal if you ask me.

What's the deal with all these awful comedians on Netflix?!

"Everybody lies."

I Scorsese what you did there.

Not the weirdest insult/compliment I've gotten, mind you.

Shut up, O'Neal!


I said "people."

I don't know anybody who still watches MTV.

More like Douche Factor, amirite?!

Galveston is only a beach by definition.