
Y’all got caught up in the hype machine. GG. Let me know if you’re playing that joke in 6 months.

All I can say is that you guys are into the idea of a Fallout game, which is exactly what we got, just the idea. (changed to a “we” because I did put 60+ hrs into this thing hoping that I was wrong)

It’s not even GTA5 level, uses an antiquated engine, and lost all of the personality that made a game a Fallout game. It’s like putting a theme on your windows desktop, still just windows under there, no matter how cool you make it try to appear.

Pretty much. They created a run of the mill game with a Fallout skin.

Haha, it’s always the damn government :D

True story but man, the F35 is such a tremendous ripoff of the American tax payer. Whoa bessy.

Man, Fallout 4, so much potential wasted on a genericized “open world” FPS. Stripping out the skill system, killing any meaningful dialogue, and a slapdash main questline (that literally had zero buy-in for me as a player) just hurt so bad. Of any game/sequel, this was the one I was looking forward to the most (huge

A red 1996 Z24 was my first ever brand new car. I traded it in 3 years later for a GTI. It got me from point A to B and once mysteriously lost all power driving up I25 from Albuquerque in the middle of the night. I wanna say it was aliens but honestly, it was likely the car sucking balls.

I really liked my Performance MX until I upgraded to Windows 10 and it became a choppy, jittery, mouse lag hellfest to use regardless of whatever voodoo I tried after reading up online for answers to why. Was considering the G502 but having a mouse that looks like some asinine anime toy isn’t really an option in my

Eh, I’m just bitter. Good luck to y’all.

The hidden saucer from which Tesla is reverse engineering all of their tech.

What he said.

Gross, what kind of horrible diet do you have where you need to add more starch to a pasta meal?

I never said there’s no forgiveness, just no more relationship. One can punish another while also forgiving them their mistakes. Accepting someone disrespecting you in pretty much the worst possible way is weakness. Forgiving them for being the horrible, flawed, human they are is natural. Accepting and subsequently

The old adage that there are plenty of fish in the sea is accurate. The less people accept this sort of behavior flat out, the less likely people are to indulge in it for fear of losing their mate. By making it fairly open that if someone effs up hard you’re just gonna roll over you practically invite that exact thing

I can guarantee I am older than you I’m just not so weak willed.

Nice example to set for your kids “sure it’s okay to allow yourself to be a doormat”.

Sounds more like you have weak morals and low conviction. It’s okay, most everyone is like you. Doesn’t make it right or good, but there’s comfort for those like you, who lack backbone, in being part of the herd so to speak.

Yer better off skipping the future wife as those are also future divorces which can and often do include future liquidation of assets to pay her off once it all melts down as it inevitably does.

Eddie Murphy: Delirious ya nub

I’d rather y’all kept buying the gaming laptops with discrete cards so that the manufacturers are still inclined to invest in R&D to improve them. Maybe they are a little slower but who cares? If a laptop is enough gaming for you then you’re not worrying that you can’t get the setting maxxed out on the latest titles.