
If you really don’t like it here— “keyboard warrior”— you can go back to jerking off to Glenn Greenwald any time now... :D :D :D

Hashtag: #relevance.🤡:D :D

Matt Thornton-- there’s an impressive source. :D :D

Sure, Rain Man— that thirtieth time’s gonna be the charm!! :D :D :D (Real advice: take your meds already, outpatient boy. :D :D :D)

Oh, and in case it even needs to be said (“interactions” boy :D), try to sound like even more of a FAG.🌈😜:D :D :D Sorry, but this website really isn’t OnlyMan or E-Male... :D :D :D

Ruh-oh, look out: Dr. Phyllis is on a roll! :D :D :D

Confirmed: you think about men’s asses just as much as little Ricky.🌈😜:D :D :D

“or get out of the greys.” :D :D :D You are so unbelievably stupid!!🤡:D :D :D :D Seriously, outpatient boy— what color is the sky in your world??🤪:D :D :D

:D :D :D Hey, gang! It’s time for another fun-filled edition of— Facts vs. Feelings! :D :D :D Ready?😈:D :D

:D :D :D Your surrender is duly noted, little Epstein. :D :D :D

Uh-oh, look out: somebody managed to stop fixating on middle-schoolers and little girls for half a second!!

J-E-S-U-S— you filthy inbred animal-- you really can’t stop thinking about little kids for two seconds!!!

“So we understand each other...” Nooo, there’s not one molecule of me that wants to “understand” a pedo-predator like you.

We know who’s unsafe around you, Epstein!! :D :D :D

You sick, perverted little panel-van predator. It never takes long to expose your kind.🤮(I mean, we know how much you people love exposing yourselves. :D :D :D)

“I don’t think south park and star wars memes and calling me a fag is the epic own you think it is.”

And I guess we should be thankful that another low class child whose mother wiill just neglect them will have to suffer through a life without a father or any positive prospects.” Thank you for that intellectual argument. (Great handle, btw.)

:D :D :D

:D :D :D You are such a little faggot!! :D :D :D