It’s always interesting when this theory is posited— after an interviewee goes off answering for, like, eight straight paragraphs.
It’s always interesting when this theory is posited— after an interviewee goes off answering for, like, eight straight paragraphs.
HBC isn’t?
“After speaking at length about her famous acquaintances, she adds, ‘One thing with the fame game is that there’s an etiquette that comes with it; I don’t agree with talking about other famous people.’”
Whatever helps ya sleep at night (he said, while listening to Prince)... :D :D
*Tap, tap: Federico Fellini, Ingmar Bergman, Luis Bunuel, Stanley Kubrick, Jean-Luc Godard, Akira Kurosawa, Yasujiro Ozu, Werner Herzog, Buster Keaton, Martin Scorsese, and this one guy named Orson Welles would all like a word.*
In what alternate universe does he deserve even one award for his “talent”? :D :D :D
“Music artist” Chris Brown has invented exactly two things: jack and shit. :D :D :D
What “talent”?? :D :D
Nothing says ‘winning argument’— like copy/paste repeat posting. :D :D
Comedian priorities:
Comedian priorities:
Why are you so tou-chy over some rich old guy you don’t even know— mc2isbad? :D :D
:D :D :D :D :D
FACT: transphobia-- or the lack thereof-- actually has very, very little to do with whether or not one old guy is still (REALLY) funny. :D :D
Learn more about the planet... :D
Gordon Lawshe.
Learn how to strawman better, Internet psychic. :D :D :D
*Cough!* “Affordable housing”! *Cough, cough...*
My Adidas
Walk through concert doors
And roam all over coliseum floors
I stepped on stage, at Live Aid
All the people gave and the poor got paid
And out of speakers I did speak
I wore my sneakers but I’m not a sneak
My Adidas touch the sand of a foreign land
With mic in hand, I cold took command
My Adidas and me close as can be