You might wanna learn how to SPEAK ENGLISH before trying to be me. :D :D :D
You sound like the poster boy for mental health. :D :D
I’m still trying to figure out how one can be so edgy in between watching Robert Guillaume reruns.
The generally underwhelming one? :D :D Yeah, I’m good— particularly since I don’t have a Netflix subscription.
Come up with an even more retarded handle. :D :D :D
“Here’s a picture of me with my (one) black friend!!”
“I highly disagree. This is not about finance or Ohio.” ‘Cause you know Dave Chappelle personally, eh?
For those of you keeping score at home, she ain’t teaching no history course at that school.
:D :D
A blind man in “Czechoslovakia” saw this coming.
I mean, it’s kinda like a cellphone-forbidding Hollywood Bowl event attended by Brad Pitt just isn’t “real life” to some of us.
“The outrage machine gets fed,” ‘cause he fed it. (Machines don’t work by themselves.)
You’re of course referencing his classic tearjerker work.
I am fascinated by the brief take of the legendary, 71-year-old Stevie Wonder on all this (you know, Dave Chappelle positioning himself as yet another “populist,” politically ambitious societal “reformer”— clearly in the vein of another of his rich and famous musician friends...).
“... How sad that this message was lost in translation.”