
There gonna be a song about how much POWER he has?

Sur-prise: the “customer” who started all this is a holy-roller Trump supporter.

Biz Mark and Shock G were the same age.

Honest question: history books? Science textbooks? Instructional/reference guides?

Face of a radio star.

Buried lede: he finally admitted, after three decades, that his debut feature would work as well or better— as a stage play.

He is now 84.
Eyesight supposedly on the Magoo level.
And this ain’t the Pudding Pops decade.

:D :D


If you don’t know there are entire genres of music way weirder and more “difficult” than Trout Mask Replica, maybe you really are still stuck in the proverbial college-dorm-room (of two generations ago).

Donner and Downey Sr.??

So— you made it through one out of fifteen paragraphs?

Forced to comment on,” stan?🙄

Jesus, even when this site tries to be ‘objective’ it fails miserably.”

I see that— surprise— this comment section is about evenly split.

Oh, hell, Lola AKA London Affair, that’s— yeah. :D

Like she’s gonna be feeding Clark Sugar Smacks.😏
