
Something about us mid-40s Gen-Xers who skipped out on the whole “American Dream” nuclear-family thing (we see with better clarity)... Oh, yeah, human beings aren’t prepared* for the scorched-earth violence (natural and man-made) that’s coming in 2021...

There’s a lot going on in Toy Story. The central idea—toys are sentient beings who live lives of servitude and who only want to be played with—allows a whole lot of thematic wiggle room. Sometimes, the toys seem like harried and anxious workers, watching the clock run out on a dying industry... There’s a weird

Rogan, however, doesn’t explicitly align with any particular political party,” read: Edgebro Regressive (re: Gen-Xer Rambro who still doesn’t quite have the courage to admit the very concept of a non-white president offends him).

Because we are in Hell, because there are actual “educators” who will use YouTube videos for their regular classroom material, and because-- we are in Hell.

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“Republicans Will Win Midterms, Polls Are Wrong”— Tim Pool

Movie critic Tulsi Gabbard has yet to say one damn thing about this.

Why do fauxgressives hate black women so much?

Ah, I did indeed...


You say Big Chill; I say Running on Empty.

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Gump was the early death knell of a generation. Clinton’s sex scandals hadn’t yet caught up to him, and the world had yet to endure two— not one but twopresidential fiascoes who were BORN THE SAME YEAR AS CLINTON. Presumably, the 1946 crowd will invent some kind of life-prolonging chemical substance so that they can

Your friendly regular reminder of what happened the last time Rose McGowan tried to interact with the regular, everyday, non-digital world.

So, based on the age she stated, did this happen in 1988 or 1989?

It is the year 2020, and you just made a trademark™ joke™ in a Jezebel think piece™— Bernie sis.

Springsteen, for all his creative force, was still a new-jack critic’s darling cult figure in the year this movie took place.

One big, happy family.

:D :D

:D Ewwwww (D.E.D. in the house!)... :D

You on July 29th: