Yo. I'll admit I'm dying to know who this is, but (if you were thinking about it) please don't post his info. It's one thing to anonymously mock him, quite another to open him up harassment.
Yo. I'll admit I'm dying to know who this is, but (if you were thinking about it) please don't post his info. It's one thing to anonymously mock him, quite another to open him up harassment.
We had child-free friends who constantly pontificate, even though we never bring up our son when we see them. They once referred to him as our new "hobby."
We have to break down and stop participating in the Cult of Motherhood.
Also, it really annoys me when women are asked to account for their decisions about parenthood. I love Zooey Deschanel's response to the question: "Is having children on your priority list?" Zooey replied: "I'm not going to answer that question...I don't think people ask men those questions."
Because if it was an illegitimate hitting on, the male body has ways of shutting that whole thing down.
This classic move is known as the "OB/GeeWhyNot?"
There was a guy on Sports Center last night that had some awesome things to say about Janay Palmer (Rice?), how this would affect her for the rest of her life and we should also be thinking about how hard this is on her. It was the first time I've heard anyone talk about how fucked up this is for her and not just Ray…