
Ding! Ding! Ding! Did you see the Xerox of the list of phone numbers he had for Trump? That was INSANE!


The Germans know it. It’s kind of ... unsettling that there seem to be so many Americans in denial about it when nearly every single minority journalist has been practically yelling about the fact that this racist twirp is the monster the Greedy Old Parasites’ party build for ... awhile.

There’s another way to look at this

Looks like the Germans have beat us to it

Right?? Ask him to be specific about what foul language and hateful things they’ve offered. Like, really specific. It’s so infuriating that trump/miller etc are just given the opportunity to repeat that shit with out challenge over and over and over and over because we’re focused on the more obviously horrible parts

So maybe I’m late to the party, but, what if one of the reasons behind the administration’s wave of terror is to reduce the number of non-white people who are willing to fill out the census? Or even fill it out accurately? Thus inflating the apparent number of white identifying people in the country.

I agree there are larger implications but we can’t white wash or “I don’t see color” this. This is explicitly racist even if there are other ramifications for white people (like how long until simply not being Republican makes you not an American?). 

The president, Miller argued, “ran a campaign that can be summarized in two words: America first. There’s a huge difference between America first and an ideology that runs down America.”

It's like one side saying "Let's kill this guy", the other says "Hey, maybe don't?" and you, the reasonable centrist, decide the best solution is to cut the guy in half.

The entire discourse has been systemically shoved so far to the right that what we term ‘centrist’ these days is still conservative.

Believing in shared values between rights activists and authoritarians is idiocy.”

Wen is doing what Joe Biden thought he was doing: looking for compromise on a binary issue, which is impossible.

I will never think of a Bronfman or Seagram’s without thinking of the NVXIUM scandal or whatever it’s called. I imagine anyone with the Bronfman last name has that creepy guy’s name tattooed on their butt somewhere.

You have some awesomely creative parents.

It’s a great series and your parents sound awesome.

I read Bunnicula as a child and was really taken by it. So, my parents decided to honor this love by telling me that the Easter Bunny was a vampire.

I also have an ice-cream truck story. But, my mom told us the ice cream truck was actually the baby maker (where babies come from) and it was coming around to pick up the children who’s parents didn’t want them anymore and if we got too close they might take us too. We RAN from the ice-cream truck for YEARS.

Has this not been obvious all along?

I was trying to think of what other people take criticism as badly as trump.