Absolutely equally plausible, possibly more so
Absolutely equally plausible, possibly more so
Money in politics does have an unchecked role, we just don’t have a database to know if celebrities are supporting SuperPACs.
I can’t think of anything else that would make Donald leave all those young girls (as insecure as he is and as badly endowed as he’s rumored to be) and all that money.
The fact that they are TERRIFIED that they no longer matter is the entire point of Donald-fucking-Trump. So yes, we need to stop arguing and cajoling and attempting to reason with these people and find ways to win in spite of them.
Eh, I’m nor sure that these white women matter as much as they/we think they do. As Michael Harriot wrote earlier this month,
If we have learned anything this democratic primary season; it’s that there are way too many white men whose blandness and mediocrity is only surpassed by their huge yawning maw of an ego that tells them they should be president.
No mention of the fact that 20 years after his death JFK Jr has risen to assume messiah like powers in the alt right community? so much that they’ve even turned against Pence. Based on nothing but a few awkward photos with Trump? And no, this belief is not as obscure as you might think
That was the “falling out” they had
Never ever doubt that they are trying to gaslight you
There was a New Yorker (or NYMag) article that came out about him close to the election going back to his NY history; part of it was about his wish to be perceived as a playboy but the narrative itself told of his utter failure at it. He would brag about all his money but was the opposite of generous (read: cheap),…
This is where he destroys his own efforts at being a political influencer; it’s called the Peter Principle.
It’s not just that, though. It’s also an incredibly cynical, Orwellian attempt to control public narratives, and convince people they’re not seeing what they’re seeing or hearing what they’re hearing. And they’re all doing it - the #WhiteHouseOccupant, Yertle McConnell (his varieties are extra special), Kevin…
The conservative faithful have very demeaning attitudes towards women of any age so this won’t be a problem for them.
“Men's rights is nothing" is another one of my favorites that's too real!
I have been rewatching and it’s almost prophetic.
The political episodes of Parks and Rec have gotten harder and harder to watch over time as they become less and less far from reality.
Word. And the crazy thing is that if anyone opposes these ideas, they’re not even stuck in the 1950s, because even in the era, we at least saw the CRA get signed and the expansion of the New Deal and Social Security in some regards. These fuckers who think AOC et al are EXTREME COMMUNISTS WHO HATE FREEDOM belong in…
Even more than that. About a week later, Nigel Farage claimed Brexit won, “without a single bullet being fired.”
It’s so baldly racist that it was skewered in the Parks & Rec episode “Born and Raised.” Poking fun at birtherism, Leslie Knope is literally told to go back where she came from.
OF COURSE R. Kelly lives at Trump Tower.