
She was a stripper AND a prostitute.

Kotaku is riding their horrible anti-gamer white knight culture they created to irrelevence.

She was let go because she was a stripper/pedophile/prostitute. Why is Kotaku and Patrick Klepek in paticular so ready to white knight someone who is pretty well known in the industry for being essentially a female “creepy uncle” just because she’s a woman and GG doesn’t like her is just hilarious.

As someone who works in the industry and knows her I’d say her firing would have eventually happened anyway. She’s pretty well known in *sane* industry circles as being a weirdo kook.

LOL obvious troll is obvious

As someone who works for ****** video game company and actually KNOWS Rapp I can say with 100 percent certainty that the person who got Rapp fired is Rapp.

#gamergate is actually about things like how Kotaku is white knighting a proven pedophile and a prostitute who had a PR job for the largest video game company in the world because of said person’s gender.

But.....since she’s a poor womyn all of those things are perfectly acceptable!