
He shot at the officers and the ambulance was on its way. Absolutely nothing wrong here.

Clickbait headline if I ever read one, yikes

That quote is useless as we have no idea about the length of the unspecified time. Like if they called the ambulance and just waited for it to come, that seems normal. I am not sure the police’s duty to provide medical care beyond calling the correct medical professionals immediately.

“2014 was the warmest year on record...”

No it wasn’t.

Let me summarize...

This all seems rather mean-spirited and kinda lame. Aren’t there literally millions “adult kids” that get some help at some time from their parents? It’s sort of a sign of the times, isn’t it?

By migrant you mean illegal immigrant, right?

My dad took me to see the Vietnam War Memorial to show me the names of his friends who died. He pointed out names to me and told me about them. He also said how they died because he was there. I like that about my dad when he shares pieces of his past with me or explains things important to him to me. He liked the

Rest assured, he wasn’t exagerating. When Sherman said ‘War is hell’, he was talking about the chow line, not the combat.

That’s what the peanut butter was for......stopped you up until you drank the grape juice...

“When I can’t afford it on my pay, I don’t want people on the taxpayer’s dime to afford those kinds of foods either.”