Wait a minute, so wasn’t OBAMACARE supposed to pay for all these women that didn’t have healthcare the opportunity to receive it? Is women’s healthcare double dipping on the taxpayers dime? So much corruption, so little brains among you liberal progressives.
so if the providers were pushing more women of one group to get an abortion over another, would that bother you.
The fact that they charge different amounts for different tissue, is evidence that they profit of the sale of the tissue.
Contrary to what your liberal friends are telling you, there are a lot of people on the left that are having a problem with this.
Just because you say it’s legal, doesn’t automatically make it legal. Contrary to what you liberal believe.
Their claim to fame is that they censor/restrict opinions made by people that oppose their viewpoint. Since the people in the greys are usually on the right or center when it comes to politices that puts Gawker/Jezebel waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay far left.
Much like Obamas mother lives in the White House, or are liberal progressives like yourself excluded from criticism.
When did swimming across the river become a “port of entry”. They were coached on what to say when they were caught by border patrol.
Wasn’t that meant for the immigrants that wanted to come to this country legally, following the laws, learning the language, and becoming part of the melting pot. Not the fucking snakes slithering across the border putting a giant strain on the economy, only because the liberal progressives like yourself are looking…
When 90% of the illegals don’t bother showing up for their court date, what do you want to do.
Only so we can over emphasise black deaths as opposed to all other deaths that occur on a daily basis.
Look away, we now live in an America where calling a politician [that is supposed to be working for the people] on their shady politics and wrong doings is against the very fabric of America and in the case of African American politicians down right racist.
Someone that is more concerned about her image, and not concerned about killing their child doesn’t deserve any remorse or bullshit understanding from society. Put her in a fucking bag and throw her in the trash.
Because that’s what the liberal progressives are : little minions”, that are fucking annoying little sheep that will follow their leader blindly.
Would it?
I guess if you redefined mass shootings as medical procedures, you liberal would feel better about them?
How much would it cost us if you fucking progressive liberals didn’t accept their bullshit asylum claims.
“literally no one tips the caterer serving a table.”
I the new liberal progressive world, “some” is always the “whole”, sadly.