
Oh so you feel its an entitlement that you make more money. Every job out there requires an employee to do extra for getting the job done. Stop playing the “poor Me, Don’t you see I’m special” card. Around the 80’s was the time that teachers started becoming WHINERS, making excuses of why the are “entitled” to more

Never said teachers were “over paid”. But in every profession there are extras, whether its hours or buying supplies to get the job done. Every profession has those moments that don’t feel like work, and others where everyone is breathing down your neck to get things done. You chose your profession, no one ordered you

Since when is a salary the starts in the 40’s low paying?

The progressive excuse, “it’s someone elses fault”. Continue making excuses, we have become a nation of them, and the reason we are failing.

So what is your fucking solution to the problem, asshole. Let me guess, since part of the problem is that finding people that can pass the standards to enter the profession, your solution is to lower the standards.

“These articles are just written to manufacture outrage when there shouldn’t be any.”

Let’s put these two fine examples of African Americans given the opportunity for higher education into your daughters classroom.

Personally I feel all the freaks in California should use water to spray down their driveway, that way there aren't any dust pollutants. The sooner the water dries up and all the freaks inb California blow away the better this nation will be.

It’s time for the courts to stop allowing journalist to hide behind the 1st amendment. If they have the ability to write their lies and slander they should be held accountable. Hopefully in this case we will see thousands in lawyer fees for Ms Anna.

Wow, How fucking arrogant of you. Hopefully, their lawyers come up with some ideas on how to include you personally in the suit. Will Jezebel cover your legal expenses?

“This is what a professional journalistic correction looks like, in the unlikely event that any editors at Worth or writers at Reason ever need to issue one.”

Watched a person buy 8 bottles of soda with the snap card, then pull out 243.00 for 5 cartons of cigarettes. Had to shake my head as I paid for a gallon of milk with my last 4 dollars for the week. But hey all you bleeding heart liberals you keep turning your head and ignoring the problem or denying it happens.

“I don’t know if I actually agree with you that violent threats are worse than homophobia”

"it's wrong to impose your morality on people"

What totally amazes me, is that you liberals are bat shit crazy against the death penalty, but so easily willing to kill a innocent child. Why is that?

Oh you poor baby, did your momma deny you the tit this morning. What's really hilarious is the fact we have a piece of paper that says we have the right to our own defense, and that just gets your panties in a twist. Another is a fact that a majority of people in this country are for the right to bear arms, so

Wasn't it the bleeding heart liberals like yourself, that started it all by making maps available that pointed out all the gun owners in town. Well. hell paybacks a bitch, we want to know where all you anti gun people are so we don't accidently come to your aid if the shit hits the fan.

I see that the propaganda machine is fired up. One likely reason for the difference in pay could be that makes tend to voluntarily work more OT shifts than women, thus their yearly salary would be more.