You know that like 70% of the black population lives in the South, right?
You know that like 70% of the black population lives in the South, right?
Not all southerners are the same jerk face. I feel sorry for these refugees and am happy to help. As long as they’re properly “checked in” and yes monitored. Just bc we are being nice doesn't mean we need to be fools. I love the way you just assume we're all back wood hicks with a few teeth and a lot of ammo.…
This is the equivalent as saying that everyone in Syria is a terrorist. It would behoove you to differentiate between “the South” and “state governments.” God bless Texas, and screw you, Abbott.
Michigan and Mass are doing this same thing, so...IDK, get off your high horse.
In Shakespeare’s time, “you” was already in use. Nice try though.
Thanks, Obama!
Yeah, I’d say half of my graduating class lives in Chicago. With a small contingent scattered to the wind in other states. But there are some who never leave Michigan City. And I just wonder why. It’s a nice place to visit but there is nothing there in terms of economic opportunity. Jobs are all retail service based…
Yes, now that you’ve linked that, I remember reading about it. Dying Declarations can carry a lot of weight in court and that’s essentially what Madge Oberholtzer’s statement was. Poor woman. What was done to her was beyond heinous.
In another flyover state here, in the capital and near another very large university. Go elsewhere in the state though and things fall apart fast. I used to commute to a job just 45 min away and it was shocking.
#notallHoosiers (you just knew someone was gonna go there, right?)
I lived in Indiana for five years as a kid. When my family moved in, a neighbor casually told my mother that before us, a black family had “tried” to move into that house, but they “couldn’t have that.” This was a bit over twenty years ago, and I’m frightened to think about what the neighborhood must have done to…
I hope she’s disappointed, then. I don’t know enough about the area to know for sure. I’m going up there for the first time around Thanksgiving.
Well, Indiana does have a notorious history with the KKK. At one time it had 250,000 members and half the legislature plus the governor were members.
I know nothing about Bloomington, but my little sister just moved there. We’re from the metro-Atlanta area, and she apparently moved to Indiana because she’s incredibly racist and just wants to be around white people. I have no idea how we’re related, sometimes.
God I hate reading this considering that I’m a born and bred Hoosier. I hate even more that it’s the truth.
Hey, you guys are a reverse of my boyfriend and I! He has the chronic insomnia, I am the heavy sleeper with a snoring problem. I never realized just how much he put up with to sleep in the same bed with me, but separate rooms were something we definitely agreed on upon moving in together and it’s worked out well.
It’s funny how even adults completely confuse “sex” and “sleeping together”
I take thorazine to sleep. Have for five years. Chronic insomnia. I still have terrifying nightmares and scream in my sleep especially when I get sleep paralysis. The gorgeous wifey and I often sleep in separate rooms because it is unfair to wake her up. It’s not a problem at all.
I am totally in favor of this. I hate sharing because my husband and I are totally two different sleepers. I like to listen to something while trying to fall asleep, he doesn’t. He likes being close and cuddling, and I don’t even like my feet touching each other. Plus, all the snoring from both of us and the dogs,…
Bush says he’ll chest bump any “convert”