
Except no one cares about your faux protest that didn’t achieve anything but create more hate.

You people caused Trump to win so fuck you and your uninclusive bullshit that you do to hijack the fight for equal rights for real oppressed minorities you attention whores.

That is probably why you are ignorant enough to say such a thing.

He’s not a mentally ill woman so he doesn’t use this site.

He killed his wife.

Defend Nazi’s and someone will elbow you in the face too, you Nazi sympathizer.

People being shamed by protesters is only in your head. In reality protesters are mocked, laughed at and abused. There’s no threat of rebellion, it’s a group of idiots too cowardly to fight back so they stand somewhere until they get tired and quit because CSI or whatever lowest common denominator garbage they watch

He didn’t get punched. He got bowed. There’s a difference.

That’s hilarious. They voted for him or ran off voters for Hillary and now they are pretending they’re some oppressed minority that didn’t cause all this. This isn’t the 20's, you’ve had equal rights for nearly 100 years (and you used those rights poorly causing some serious fuckups like prohibition which created a

I can’t wait until we impeach him. The drama is going to be so good.

Isn’t that dangerous? If just one of them has a random fit of hysterics it could trigger all of them into hysterics like throwing a patch on a line of gasoline.

Violence is natural and better that whining in protest like good little obedient sheep while you get laughed at, mocked and abused. Guy is a hero. Grow a spine.

And that’s your right as a human being. But it’s like 4-8 years before the Democrats are elected again to clean up the mess the Republicans make as always. Makes no sense to kill yourself.

He didn’t get punched, he got bowed. Elbows do more damage.

Democrats are responsible for cleaning up the mess the Republicans make.

Nah, he can hold press conferences now. He’ll be interrupting TV shows every day to do it.

He got burnt out.

They’ll bring it back in their band new console after they cancel the Switch in 3 years.

Hardly anyone still plays this kiddy garbage anyways, so meh.
