
Is the package your dick?

Well hopefully this is the end of Democracy. It was an interesting experiment and we learned that peasants should not me in charge of anything, let alone a whole country.

“As one of the individuals who arguably had the biggest impact on destabilizing the US elections, however, it’s hard to imagine a more fitting punishment for Assange sending him to the same country he helped to ruin.”

They said no events for them, not no new skins.

If it weren’t a loot box system you would pay $20-$40 per skin and likely wouldn’t even be able to earn them, so what you’re saying is fucking stupid.

You failing at your resolution not to be a cunt this year. You need to sign up for nagbot.

This looks and sounds really good. I even downloaded the trailer.

So no one?

Use an emulator if you want to get scammed from this lowest common denominator targeted game.

Wow, take your head out of your ass, fanboy.

With Nintendo you’ll never get what you want. You’ll get some idiotic idea of a game for an IP you used to love.

No, dumb dumb, it’s not a buy ever. Try to keep up.

Well it is a desperate scam from a dying company.

I hate millennials.

Everybody gets a trophy generation...

Weird how it’s only one or the other in your head when in fact there are many reasons. For me I enjoy the pleasures of taste, but I also occasionally starve myself for months eating just enough not to become too weak, because that too is a pleasure, and the food I eat while starving myself tastes so much better. It’s

Then they wouldn’t create false demand like they’re doing with the Switch to hype it up.

I feel like you’re wrong.

But that glutton would ruin America harder than he ruined Steam and is currently ruining PC gaming with his greed. He used to be the saint and Santa of PC gaming, but now he’s the Beelzebub and Krampus of PC gaming. Fuck him.

They’ll probably start selling Egi skins in their horrible cash shop now too. This game is such a F2P scam, except they have subs even though they run it like its F2P. I quit this garbage.