
Is this report talking about the national news? Because local news seems to have a lot of women of color.

everybody’s russian to judgment...

Do you guys remember that time when a cornerback blew out a hammy covering a receiver, leaving the receiver wide open, and the receiver just dropped the ball rather than waltzing in for a touchdown?

Well, this summary doesn’t really do the photos justice. Maybe there’s some copyright thing where you can’t copy another article?

It’s also partly down to the fact Great Britain is the largest of the British Isles (they’ve been called that since classical antiquity) and was therefore also labelled as “great” in the sense of bigger than.

I was there! It was crazy. I mostly just hung out on the couch watching everyone. Man, the club soda was FLOWING and the bowl of chips was OFF THE HOOK! The party lasted until the wee hours of 11:30 when I finally had to turn off the TV and go to bed.*

Life is so much more enjoyable if you allow yourself to have some fun, I promise.

This is one of those plays where it’s clearly an accident but also only LeBron could actually make the accident happen. Does that make sense? I feel dizzy and incoherent. That play may’ve given me the vapors.

Truly, that hasn’t stopped the flippin Eagles. Those guys tour endlessly and they are very wealthy because of it. The Eagles haven’t had a new song in decades.

Yeah, that seemed curious. What you wrote seems to make perfect sense. Maybe Mary has some other concerns, but I can see her selling tickets, for sure.

you can see Nash’s delicate, savvy save in all its glory.

I love scotch, but I think you’re right. It’s not really a cocktail liquor. Not that they aren’t cocktails that include scotch, but they aren’t really popular. Personally, I love the contradictory nature of good scotch, really simple, but also really complex. It’s my drink of choice, but I do like my whisky neat, so...

I admit I don’t know that many women who like scotch very much, but I don’t think it has anything to do with there not being a lady on the bottle.

I’m guessing they felt the word could only be used in the context that the audience feels the character who used it is wrong for saying it. So a white character says it, the show is telling us “he is wrong for using that terrible word,” while a black character says it to a friend, you’re condoning its usage.

Also a consideration. I’d definitely consider going back to the super-short crop I rocked in the early 2000s if my face was currently as defined as it was then.

I feel like I’d want to see it on...less slim women before I’d consider it for myself. Gives me flashbacks to my mom thinking that a really short crop would work for me because that had been the go-to style for a lot of plump women in the mid-90s, takes a lot to even have this ‘fro now not hiding my face as much

The kid’s warm up shirt that looks like it could read, “Always Drippin” right behind Miller really makes this photo for me.

Always Drippin


If it’s actually true, the kid is still a human being being bullied and is worthy of empathy. And sure, it won’t stop him from getting those things as an adult, but that doesn’t mean that the kid isn’t going through some shit.