
Teeeeechnically, Monica and Ross are siblings, and Monica married Chandler, and Ross did have that baby with Rachel— look, what I’m saying is that technically only Pheobe and Joey aren’t related.

Dwight Men Can’t Jump

Hey Dwight Howard is still in the league. And with the...Hornets it looks like. Good for him.

she sure is (I had to look her up, I knew the name was familiar).

Well, you may be right but the satire and/or commentary was about as subtle as a brick into the back of the skull.

I wouldn’t classify it as a horror movie, it’s more of a psychological thriller. Anyway, I enjoyed it and I don’t like horror movies either.

At the risk of getting torched, I must admit that while I enjoyed Get Out and am happy for its success, I did not think it was one of the 9 best pictures of the year. I felt like the final act did not hold up. There I said it.

Wait and rent it. Maybe.

Easy Malkin goal?  There aren’t many people in the world who can finish that play so quickly and smoothly as a lefty shot.  Sweet pass, but the finish is impeccable too.

I must’ve watched that gif about 20 times. Smooth as butta!!

That was filthy.

Good for Tessa. But I have no love for the real life thief. Just like I had no love for Jordan Belfort, that dbag who inspired “The Wolf of Wall Street”. I find no charm in con artists or thieves.

Authorities said Loaiza was likely to get away with it, but he slowed down into the mid-80s and thus couldn’t get anything by anybody by the end.

I’d be interested to see some data on whether NBA careers, on average, are ending at a later age now - it certainly seems that way to me. When I was first following the NBA (late 80s/early 90s), it seemed like the early 30s were the effective end of career years for many players, with anything past mid-30s being the

I have cash money that says this kid’s gunning for something and he knew exactly what he was doing and the consequences of doing it. He knows that a handful of classmates taking an online quiz does not make for a scientifically valid assessment but this was all part of a long game. First the story is going to

In every school project where the scientific method was used, we had to have our projects pre-approved by the teacher and we had to show progress before we drew conclusions and posted results. You mean to tell me no one at the school knew about this beforehand?

That’s a lot of Ks for someone who pitches to contact

Recent developments in the NBA game have decreased somewhat the importance of raw athleticism. Both zone defense and the rise of three point shooting has enabled less athletically talented people to flourish in the NBA in the last decade, and in a way I can imagine it prolongs careers this way.

To be clear, JR Smith is a good but not great basketball player. He is very athletic, no one can take that away from him. He’s good for a show of freakish athleticism about once a game when he gets a decent allocation of minutes, and to your point, that frequency is slowly leveling out as he ages. But Lebron is 33 and

maybe they’re christians/catholics and believe working in such an atmosphere is desirable? maybe they think if they just give up and accept things will never change, then things will never change?

i’m not sure why all the choices you list are negative, as if those could be the only possible explanations.