
Alright, you’ve convinced me. So after a breakup, we should all just cut off all of our friends and release our pets to the woods!

Troop cookie chair here.

I don’t think this is a big deal... but... a bar open at 1:00 am is legal, and I don’t think a Girl Scout should be selling cookies there either. So I don’t think legal operation is really the standard.

“...a dispensary is not considered a Girl Scout approved site...”

Its so annoying to see the moms doing all the work. 10 years ago I was a dancing thin mint. Do your time girls lol

Girl scouts park in front of all the local grocery stores around here. Usually without any girls in sight. Not to mention the cubicle sales without any girls present. Just give her her dues. She actually did something rather than the super moms that usually do it for the kid.

They pick, I don’t—but they don’t pick by their words, they pick by their actions. It’s not “her or me, man,” it’s “do you have my back right now.” Friends are people, not toasters and DVRs. What I think of our friendship and relationship isn’t as important, at that particular time, as what they do, and by leaving the

I believe there are well-meaning guys who think they can’t get a girlfriend otherwise and hope PUA material will get them “over the fence”. I mean, when I was younger, I definitely had no self-confidence and didn’t think any girl could naturally find me attractive, so I think I get where somebody could think that’s

Ugh, I hate that I know this.
Openers are meant to engage short term. It gives the guy a “reason” to be there and a way for the girl to involve herself in his narrative.
He doesn’t care what her opinion is or what she answers, just that she is comfortable with his presence.
If the girl doesn’t tell the guy to get lost,

I think it’s supposed to get the women to let their guards down- if the dudes are asking for relationship advice, they can’t be trying to pick someone up, right? It gets the women talking, and once the conversation is going, then they can move on to more overt flirtation. It’s not a great method but I can see it

The approach asks “hey I need some advice, if you’ll listen” first; that is the contact point. The situation itself is kind of irrelevant, but shows a (false) sensitivity towards how girls think by asking one respectfully. Most books emphasize that these words are just words to get laid, memorize or improvise off them.

Only some of the guys who use PU material see women as a conquest.

I don’t know if the broadcasters were creating drama or are just as confused as everybody else when it comes to “what is a catch” and didn’t want to say they were 100% metaphysically certain of anything and then be proved “wrong” in front of 100 million people, many of whom watch one game a year and don’t understand

Except that countries such as the Soviet Union, Cuba and North Korea have shown that Marxism is even worse than capitalism. If King favored Marxist beliefs, then that’s something he was just plain wrong about.

I think “nice guys” (non narcissistic, non-self absorbed, empathetic) as a general group, and slimy “friends” (lying, self-absorbed, non-empathetic) who want to get into your pants are two VERY different categories.

‘You literally look like you wake up and die everyday...’

As a white dude, can I just say, damn that man is pasty.

It’s not like there aren’t (several) studies already done that point out that in general women are, for a short period in the relationship, attracted to narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism....Stupid man babies reading studies. These have been published in many places and in Scientific America (in the last 5

These people are gross, but when you normalize casual sex, don’t act surprised when men try to maximize their rate of said sex.

“This red doesn’t go with an opening drive, get a Syrah”