
Whoever was responsible for the timing, of not done on purpose, should be fired.

So by intentionally scheduling your presser to conflict with the Superbowl you:

Speaking as a domestic violence survivor and a reporter - it’s a hugely important issue, but newsroom resources are scarce and staffing levels are getting smaller. Smart groups that really want media coverage learn the best dates and times to get reporters to their events, and will cancel and reschedule when big

It’s intentional. One has to wonder how many wives and girlfriends of Eagles fans are going to be endangered Sunday night.

This is misleading and not completely accurate. The biggest reason none of the usual reporters on this beat were at the femicide report release press conference is because the Governor had a last minute press conference (to announce a new health commissioner) at the EXACT SAME time as this press conference. The

Attendance (or the lack thereof) at this news conference is the opposite of the old PR axiom, “Never screw up on a slow news day.”

Why are you so angry?

The Super Bowl and its coverage are taking over EVERYTHING. People who live downtown are only leaving their apartments due to necessity. I’m not saying it *should* be that way, but their surprise surprises me.

If you are in superbowl city and schedule an event during superbowl week do not expect reporters to show up. What an idiot.

So why didn’t they release the report next week? I mean, I don’t work in PR or anything, but it seems obvious that holding a press conference on anything the same week your city is hosting the Super Bowl is kinda of a dumb idea. Unless they were trying to make a point.

Let me be very clear about my point here.

You seem delightful

Look, maybe not in those exact words but you’re not off the mark. If I’m in charge of a non profit looking for media exposure it would be downright negligent of me to hold my press conference during a time when one of the nation’s/world’s largest media events is taking place in my city. I’m sure whoever planned the

I mean this was brilliant work by MCBW, they did this on purpose knowing it would send a stronger message when no one showed up andit worked. That was some good staged outrage.

“The Super Bowl will be gone in a week”

Is there a compelling event that demands that the femicide report be released this week, while the largest sports event in our nation was scheduled several years in advance?

This should be titled “reporters did their jobs”. Sorry the Super Bowl is the largest watched sporting event, but this doesn’t mean the reporter should or media should be painted as assholes.

The Super Bowl is a well known and is *the* largest sports event (sports are a part of our culture, even if you don’t care) of the year every year. Seems like the femicide report could be released on a different week if we’re going to clutch pearls about people not being there to receive the PDF in person.

Like, I get the outrage, but fuck, shouldn’t you have rescheduled or something? You must have known that the Super Bowl would take precedence.

Eh, your ex dude is an exception. Most guys on apps are not *killing* it. Take a look at the oktrends website, dudes rarely receive messages, have poor matches v. IRL, and generally have a difficult time even getting some dates. Women in their 30s and 40s are like dudes at all other ages, their advantage in picking