You know, and not giving a fuck about state legislative races, and city council races, etc...but then coming in knowing fuck-all about how politics work and threatening to hijack the party because they are supposedly more important than anyone else.
Also thanks for abandoning Obama in 2010, when you didn’t get everything you wanted ASAP.
I wonder if you are familiar with the Google, troll, who doesn’t care about third party, yet for not caring, has a fake news opinion.
Performing for Trump’s inauguration is absolutely seen as an endorsement of Trump and the way he talks about and treats women. Trump himself will say as much when they show up and perform. Remember, they are being coerced into performing for a narcissist who thinks everything is about him.
This must be from Susan Sarandon.
This is too dumb to possibly be fake.
I agree with you 100%. These electors never planned to vote for Hillary. Fuck them. They got what they wanted.
So far today, the only electors switching their votes are from Hillary to Bernie. I want to reach into the internet and strangle them (figuratively).
But what does it mean to be “dignified” and why is okay to police behaviour and sexuality of those who are X age? Why should she uphold societal expectations and definitions of dignity instead of resisting and doing what she chooses? Why was Prince’s sexuality always a positive and not hers?
Paglia seems focused on everyone’s appearance these days. I recall an article she wrote about the field of republican presidential candidates in the past year. Did she discuss issues? Hell to the naw. She ripped their looks.
Unlike, say, Steven Tyler? Iggy Pop? Keith Richards?
As a general rule, if it’s Camille Paglia doing it, then it’s 100% being done wrong (and probably very, very shitty, too).
I do not love what Madonna has done with the last twenty years of her life, but on the other hand Camille Paglia is a genuine piece of shit. (See e.g. the pages of this very august publication: So, on net, call me Team Madonna.
This wasn’t an “empty space repurposed,” this was a firetrap “artist’s colony” operated by a damn sociopath. I agree with your larger point but you’re picking a flimsy-ass spot to make it.
It’s based on true events and set in 1969. That’s pretty much what happened. You can dislike that, but to dismiss it out of hand is ridiculous. It was a good show and really relevant still, unfortunately.
We need to stop using the term “family values.” There’s got to be something more accurate, like “retrograde hatred values.”
Lots of people got all bent out of shape when Rachael Maddow said “If you don’t vote for someone that can win, you’re saying you don’t care who dies win” but if you didn’t vote against Trump, then this is one of the two possible scenarios you decided you’d be cool with.