
I was talking with my 80 year old liberal mother this afternoon. She said that the young women of today have no idea how hard fought all of the reproductive rights we have, the ability to receive a higher education and joining the workforce was. She remembers when classmates went to Canada to get abortions or had to

Remember when the outrage of the week was saying there is a special place in hell for not supporting women - that ol chestnut?

Bernie Sanders owes the world an apology today. Not for running, which is anyone’s right, but for not stopping the irrational hate and conspiracy theories earlier on and for insisting on fighting to the convention even after it was clear he had lost. I hope he will never forgive himself for what he has done.

Fuck people who stayed home, wrote in Bernie, or left the President choice blank (My Father.) even more.

Plus if you’re the single childless sibling your time and resources are usually considered more expendable so you usually do the majority of eldercare. Which is fair enough but the more time and resources you spend on eldercare the less you have for trying to partner up yourself and the older you get yourself, etc

Look up a guy at Harvard named B.C. Burden. He did the definitive analysis of the 2000 election and determined, mathematically, that YES, Nader swung that election. I'll take the word of a Harvard statistician over an internet commentator, but that's just me.

Thank you, I wrote a long post trying to say exactly that. But english is not my mother tongue.

Do you think all of this has done any actual damage to his career? It bothers me that Ghostbusters is now considered a misfire and this dickhead has had countless flops and keeps getting license to do more (see also: Zack Snyder).

Word of advice: never ask your realtor for recommendations for a home inspector, or any kind of inspector (e.g. arborist, pool inspector, chimney/fireplace inspector, etc.).

Seems to me they euthanized the wrong goddamn animal >:(

Idk Lauren, I just can't believe a company would put money over morals. It just isn't like Uber.

If you go through the time and energy to register a business and create an LLC to do business watching children it is called a daycare. It does not matter if you choose to only watch two children or the maximum 5 children our state allows in a home, it is still a daycare. And the analogy is spot on since it was just

This. When my friend and colleague took maternity leave, it was me and my female colleagues who ended up covering for her both times. It was exhausting because she was so awesome at her job. Never mind that we were on a team with appx 50% men and the guys had the same skill sets as the women did and a fraction of the

For him to think he deserves any credit for ‘saving’ her is just repugnant.

“And she was picked up and put in an orphanage. And so I’ve been able to really make her life better.” - Woody Allen

Silkwood shower time.

And he seems a little confused about who exactly changed her life by adopting her from Korea.

Guys imagine if HRC had said something about fucking subway tokens.

‘All white folks are going to hell’: Explosive cry of civil rights icon Reverend Joseph Lowery at rally for Obama (who invited him to give benediction at President’s inauguration)

Read more:…
That link is for all of you who believe it has never happened anywhere that your

I’m sure that two ex-Secretary of States can wash themselves in the tears of the young women crying because they are out and loud about a woman president.