Ever since the revolutionary War, I've always been anti England. Good to see them getting fucking owned, LMAO
Ever since the revolutionary War, I've always been anti England. Good to see them getting fucking owned, LMAO
Who gives a shit if it is a male or a female. It’s not “awesome”
it’s also because they are killing people that dont subscribe to their backwards, stone age beliefs. most people, americans included, don’t take too kindly to that.
I'm on the team
Whoopdie fucking doo. So what we are struggling to win at home. Doesn't matter. We are road champs which will be perfect in October. We are still the hottest team in baseball (Check the last couple of series of you don't believe me). Cubs just got laughed out of Washington field. It's gonna be a long summer for…
Hey dumbass, that was Harper not werthless
Jason worth is a total loser. Dude has never won anything meaningful. Check his postseason win record. It's laughable. The Nationals will once again choke in the playoffs
Hey Jia. Great article. Now try evolving past Grade 4 recess talk when someone is critical over your choice of a fucking title.
So your subject said it was ok? That diesn’t make your statement any more professional. Great article and all I found it quite engrossing but your response is completely unprofessional. With that said I should probably get back to work.
Wow! Sore subject for everyone I guess. Which is legit, this shit really matters (reproductive rights that is.) Did anyone read her replies? I didn’t think she sounded like a troll and it seems to have been a misunderstanding. If my (and a load of people’s ) initial interpretation of her comment had been right I’d…
the woman literally emailed me right after the story went up to say “i’m glad you told that commenter to fuck off”
Oh no, the tone police are out in force! How dare you be so rude to someone who was completely rude and insulting to you!
LMAO hero? Are you serious? That word gets thrown around way too much. Exactly what did she do that you consider to be heroic
Ok so you are both bitches. Ever hear of constructive criticism? Clearly not. Fuck you. Enjoy unemployment.
You have destroyed all of your credibility.
So the rumor now seems to be that the parents left their kid to die. Something about the dad not being the biological father
Chomp chomp motherfucker
Well in that case your unprofessional reply was fully warranted.
The Ravens continue to prove that they are a second rate franchise. There is literally no way they make the playoffs this year