Quoting two people who were part of an oppressive regime is pretty much giving Spencer all the narrative he could desire. Well, that AND making him a “victim of leftist violence.”
Quoting two people who were part of an oppressive regime is pretty much giving Spencer all the narrative he could desire. Well, that AND making him a “victim of leftist violence.”
You are GIVING THEM WHAT THEY WANT. They WANT a victim narrative. They WANT you to respond to them with violence. That way they (eventually, after they have enough scars to show on camera) can be “justified” in violently “defending” themselves.
Except they aren’t using the military. As of yet they haven’t done anything other than be exceedingly boorish and offend our morals. That isn’t anything.
But they aren’t actually committing any violence right now. Right now they are just 4 stoners in an attic, getting high and complaining. The moment we start beating them up they become cool stoners in an attic.
Only after the attack on Pearl Harbor did we suddenly discover how wrong it was to condemn millions to die in a racist, antisimetic fever dream and go over there to start punching.
Lol. Fighting a dictatorship and punching random assholes espousing views we don’t like are two separate things.
Since when was it “another idea at the table?” It hasn’t been for the last 50 years, it was so not-at-the-table it kept Jeff Sessions out of being a judge. It only recently showed up again and now Jeff Sessions is going to be fucking Attorney General.
Lol “he’s scared now?” Hell no. Richard Spencer is probably estatic. He got punched in the face! Now he has proof of the “violent anarchist left” that he has always wanted!
Terrell is it safe to say this was the expected move for Russia and Syria? Even with the new airbase, I was certain Russia would re-up the naval base for precisely the reason you said: it gives them a significant presense in the Eastern Med.
Putin is not advancing any further because he expects a potential response from the west, even if it is not a military one.
Welcome Terrell! Finally an announcement post (glares are Jalopnik EIC).
Brendan is the best kind of nerd tho
and when white people have it bad, they take it out on us.
It’s another day of living on the Snowpiercer, an inequitable dystopia in which the vindictive king eating steak at the front of the train waves his hand and knights his wealthy, corrupt minions to attempt to govern us while we eat roach cakes.
Elitism always about people who make broad socioeconomic pronouncements about people they don’t know and do not understand.
After decades of growing inequality, our presidential election was a violent revolt against The Elites.
You can get some shows through Amazon Prime. Also, there is HBO Now, which for $15 a month you can get it through broadband.
I mean people lie. That isn’t something this study takes into account.