
It means fat

Lol second most popular post is a link to wsj. Wsj known for their original sports content of course. Good job Deadspin “reporters” banner year!

I hate how little you understand basic economics

You need to reflect on the life choices that brought you to writing about middle schoolers going to the bathroom for performance reasons

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

“sort of infantilized structure that’s easy to map onto a non-native speaker’s syntax and pronunciation”

Are you intentionally not covering the U.S. games because of Hope Solo? Can you at least confirm that or give me some reason before I lose my mind? Please?

Where can I catch up on your coverage of the U.S.-Sweden game?

We do or do not have drones that can launch precise missile strikes?

Two days without social media? Has the red cross been brought in?

I hope you’re single because this comment made me cum and need to marry you derrrrrrrr derrrrrrrr derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Oh. So you guys are still covering the women’s world cup. Good to know. U.S. played last night FYI

If I have to explain that to you you’re never going to understand but I’ll try. When you vote you are influencing the state of affairs in a location and for a population of which you are not a part. It may be legal for you to do so but that’s only because of how hard it would be for any politician to pass a law that

Can someone answer why they think that is acceptable? I am fully in favor of legalizing gay marriage everywhere but the pride in this home to vote thing is an absurd mockery of democracy. Having people that don’t live in a particular area vote on a matter that affects an area is the utter destruction of the concept of

Comments about late night shows inevitably include “eh I don’t find that particular show funny I prefer another” but when you watch this montage and realize that even if you weren’t a regular viewer that on over 6000 separate nights Dave brought a little joy to the world and maybe you only ever had one laugh at