Some people who are really into mermaids are actually ocean lovers in general. Anything to do with the ocean (including mermaids) makes my heart beat fast.
Some people who are really into mermaids are actually ocean lovers in general. Anything to do with the ocean (including mermaids) makes my heart beat fast.
Her instagram account was hacked, not her phone. The hackers had the nudez.
From this:
Why do you think Gal Gadot couldn’t deliver a British accent? She’d definitely have a vocal coach.
How can you conclude that an entire field of study is racist from a class that you dropped?
are you me
Hayden probably would have done an adequate job if someone else had written the prequels.
I’m going to take the opposite stance. Children have done nothing to deserve gifts and do not appreciate them. Get an adult something they truly want (internet wishlists are a thing) because they understand what it means to buy something with their own money.
According to the Man’s Right to Know Act, men are only permitted to ejaculate directly into a woman’s vagina. All other emissions would be considered “an act against an unborn child” and men would be fined $100 for “failing to preserve the sanctity of life.”
Because she’s equating sperm with fertilized eggs.
Unfortunately, nothing is equivalent to denying a woman access to abortion, and the only thing required to understand the importance of reproductive rights is basic empathy. I find it hard to believe that stunts like this are going to change anyone’s mind. It only looks stupid.
Do you think that women should not address their pregnancies in art and media? It’s a pretty life changing thing to experience pregnancy and child birth, why do you think it shouldn’t be the focus of an artists’ work?
Do you feel the same way about performances focused on sex appeal? Both are expressions of the female body. No one is BUYING her pregnancy, they’re buying her music, some of which absolutely focuses on motherhood and her daughter.
what are people smoking
I can’t tell if you’re actually serious
Yeah, women should have their babies quietly and out of the public eye. Pregnant women should not continue to do their jobs. Pregnant women should conceal their bodies and make sure childbirth remains private and mysterious.
This exact thing has happened to me, but there was no crying. Or pain, really. I imagine it was because I was fairly drunk too, and therefore relaxed. Things were also pretty wet down there. Just popped in and out real quick, and fairly deep. No pain in the moment, but I was a little bit sore the next day?
are the people in that photo doing yoga on concrete wtactualf
i think the animators created some weird french braid / dutch fishtail hybrid. it’s hard to pin down.