
Technology is vastly used in the Olympics, I wonder why haven't they started using it to this day. It's like if we put a referee and the end of the 100 mts. run to tell us who came in first. It makes no sense if the techonology is there. There are so many ways this sport could benefit from technology. I hope this

Can you guys make some test to check how much bandwidth it actually use? Or limiting your bandwidth with an app like NetLimiter to check what would be the minimun bandwidth require to play decently?

What are you talking about? You don't need controllers. It uses Nat.. I mean Kinect. And the power? It's probably solar or absorbs the heat you generate while dancing with Kinect . It's possible.

Why did you guys use Paint.NET v3.36 on this images?

@SpeedNut: I went to 6:20 in the video and tought he was dancing with a girl, until the guy stopped and turned around. Yeah, this was a weird presentation.

Thanks, now I have two songs stuck in my head playing at the same time, Waka Waka and your song. Dam it, Brian.

Is it me or they kinda look like plastic toys?

Vote: UBCD4Win

I have been doing this, but I save the document to HTML. It extract all the images. It works with any Office version.

I agree with everyone. jDownloader is good. I just've been having some problem with Mediafire links. The plugin has not been updated. I wonder if this app would work with Mediafire.

I read about this somewhere before. And I saw this pictures about how our feet look like now and how they should look if we were to walk barefoot. You can see that we are suppose to use the whole feet to walk, including our fingers.

@Vargas: Me acabo de dar cuenta que Kotaku habla español. Ahora tengo excusa para hablar español en Kotaku. Jaja.

I think that Free Realms will overtake Home. It just seems more fun than Home, and it's also free.

Now playing

The FFX-2 piano intro "Memories of Light" it's kinda magical. Also "Eyes on Me" from FFVIII and "Melodies of Life" from FFIX are really amazing.

The answer to the only hated fact: TouchFreeze.

Vivi egg is EPIC.

Amazing technology that is. It will surpass 3D.