
I download setup files for many applications everyday. Like every app seems to have a different version number on their setup, like "setup_skype_4.2.exe". You could end up with different setup versions on your computer that you may not need. When downloading a setup file, a run "Everything" first and find that setup

@Adam Pash: Why did it deleted other files? Was it because of the "/Q /F /S" parameters?

@Adam Pash: What was the original text? Can you show it to me?

@Benguin: Have you work with card printers? They are the worst. The drivers not always work and it usually involves a trial and error and installing them manually. I hate card printers.

I'm sorry, but I have to comment. Final Fantasy IX is the best last Final Fantasy game, because of a simple reason, it has a airship that you can fly. Thay have remove this ability from every FF game made since them. To me this makes the game a lot of fun, beacuse you get to explore the world, same like with running

Hmm, siempre ha parecido que el mercado latinoamericano es un poco despreciado. Casi no se encuentran juegos con subtitulos en español, a menos que se este en España, y ese es castellano, distinto al latinoamericano. Y no se puede comprar casi ningun juego en el PSN porque necesitas una tarjeta de credito de USA. No

Took me a second to realize this is a joke. Even that it may have been a good direction. Gawker has some weird tastes with their ads.

So you are allowed to write about videogames, but can't have the decency to create one yourself? We'll give you a couple of weeks so you can learn some programming language and the we'll be checking on you. I want a full CG trailer by the end of April and a website with a countdown to an announcement by the end of

@☆Giroro G66☆: Is that Tim Rogers? Ohh, no, wait, he's just a cosplayer.

Wow. I hope australian people now get their M18+ games. I'm hoping to move there next year and this would make me really happy.

You guys should add video. It would be more interesting that way. Or you can do a show like "On The Spot" from Gamespot.

What's Your Favorite PlayStation S...?

I approve the project. Now go and start working. Need it to be done by my next birthday.

True there. This is not third grade. * pew pew *

@orlo: I knew that. But I forgot. But can it compress back? I think you can't without a 3rd tool.

I knew this hack but it's not so simple. You also need a tool like winrar o winzip to uncompress this files. Not only notepad.

@Cactuar: Let me know how you find BC2? I've played the demo on the PS3 and it looks pretty good, but I'd rather play my FPSs on the PC. Have you played online? Can you create clans?

@Whitson Gordon: I appreciate you take time on your posts to reply to some comments. Thanks for explaining that.