
she had pussy cancer son. guess that was you.

post your address coward.

post your address coward.

they killed two cops too.


you picked your side then.

what is your address?

where do you live. be specific.

post your name small dick.

in ww2, we killed nazis until they went away. that is a both sides argument.

that shit is 70s repub strategy.

the right one looks like the table cloth in an elderly ladies house.

it does represent the culture very accurately.

lol bullshit.

no they are low class and trash.

Fuck off whore

Liberals pay for conservatives to live. I own you.

nope. no such thing. you always look a bit off. i guess an asian girl can pull it off.

no, my bag has like 3 things in it, and gets emptied after every use. a purse is different.

fuck you goddamn moron. you better not be driving a car. not qualified.