if your brain cant get this, kill yourself.
if your brain cant get this, kill yourself.
lol bullshit. self love maybe.
Can we just start shooting them? Worked in the past. If you get nazis, you kill them until they are tired of naziing.
There is a black lady who drives one in Chicago. She parks on 11th between state and wabash.
Don’t be a ghetto ass nigger hanging out in the projects?
How fuckin sad is your life for you to defend her? Celebrities are not your friends. She is a product created by a bunch of old white men.
Ghetto trash does
And this is just preseason.
Kick him out of the league then. He can flip burgers. Fuck him.
If a 55 yo fat man is dominant at your sport, maybe figure out a new sport.
fuck your yard
you mean they had their tongues straight up the nfl asshole.
bitch sounds like a total cuntrag
use her actual name. she aint your pal.
nfl depends on trump voters.
fucking philly trash
idk, a lot of assholes use ping increase exploits in wow to make their rogue jump all the fuck over the place.
how i know you black?
black people call me boss. its odd.