why the fuck are you so loud?
why the fuck are you so loud?
i like how she isnt fat.
post his linked in.
where is the push for men to get into nursing and teaching? or the push to get women into garbage collection?
women dont want to fucking code. i work in tech. 90% of the women are in sales/marketing, and half them went there from the code side. they dont want to code. they just dont.
Fuck texans
So put a bullet in their head. We have plenty.
Fucking cunt whore
Don’t wear shorts though
Do not wear seersucker. You are not a southern racist.
the parents 100% voted trump so im not sad.
i just picked up hearthstone to get the extra wow mount.
i did my homework on the bus.
to EBAY!
to EBAY!
what is that hair?
that is far too many steps for the trump crowd.
oh i thought that was the resident kkk member
yeah i mean shit, the other guy in the car is going to be packing if thats the case. and then your car is stolen and you are mildly shot.