
you? no. this attitude? this worship? yes.

yeah i am SOOOOO tired with women praising all these pr engineered power women. i mean are you so thirsty you are going to drink that chemical soup?

that ass reminds me why i hate the faces on rick and morty.

blame her pr department. she has no agency herself.

that was not an insult. i mean, imagine that level of worship to man from a man. its weird. drop the cult level crap.

12:00 forever.

so who has the movie rights?

aggression? i just find it pathetic. did you vote sanders?

Now playing

Spend a few weeks non alpha city china regarding bathrooms.

and she wouldnt cross the street to piss on you if you were on fire.

same hype as beyonce and shit.

keep worshiping a women is is false as hell. this is why you lose us elections.

lol get the fuck out of here worshiping a women whos career is controlled by old men smoking cigars somewhere. consumer whore indeed.

HAHAHAHA. Granted, it would be a privilege inconsequential and an honor unimportant to be burnt by Rihanna but whyyyy should Diplo even care?

just slap one of these on your crotch.

please, italy exists.

hey, stfu, men bad.