
yeah look at those fatties in your gif there.

what a fatty huh? that jordan.

if you are against talking to fat people about being too fat, you are against talking to alcoholics about drinking too much.

fucking flower. gtfo with that shit. would you call an alcoholic a flower?

fat shaming is like stupid shaming. if you dont get it, well...

The interwebs were blessed tonight when your blown up photo above.

how much from non-black men?

dubai wont be able to be a hub soon. I will laugh.

She would do it though. Cuz look guys, I’m a bro girl, I can make sex jokes and play your video games. Please let me hang out with you guys.

fuck you moron

go back to middle school math if you dont understand it.

fuck off to stormfront then.

go fuck yourself trump

fuck off to stormfront already.

their parents put them there.

fuck your family.

bullshit. fuck off with your lies/ignorance.

lol you poor people. so stupid.

post his online profile.

less then half of the people who voted voted for him.