Sterilize the state, just to be sure.
Sterilize the state, just to be sure.
Oh that’s a heaping pile of bullshit. They would do it if required to.
Live in a major city. I only drive to visit family, or to ikea or Asian groceries in the burbs. Or to ohare sometimes.
See, there is this drawing I saw online...
Old man has kids on his lawn, yells at them. More at 11.
Well in college, it was shared folders on the network.
What about the fat stinky one? Or the foreign one?
go to the plastic surgeon, and you can attract douchebags too.
you are a sad fucker if you care about any of this shit. get a damn life.
Grats on wasting space, while having less flights. Southern efficiency.
Beer should be free at taxpayer funded facilities. You got ripped off. Sad.
Isn’t Texas down in the sewage re schools? And police? And fire? And infrastructure?
California could buy Texas.
Assholes need to do downtown stores
Well you keep making part time low pay jobs to attract illegals, you will keep getting population increases.
Souther friendly is different from actual friendly.
Too many rednecks there
Only for certain areas. If you aren’t gated, you are ignored.