
Plano most certainly has shitty areas.

Lower cost of living is not something to be proud of. It means people don’t want to live there.

Not every person is some short small dick asshole needing a massive house to hide from his wife.

Your thinking is very short term. Think bigger, if you can.

Nice list of regressive states

Lol fuck off with that lie.

Your friend seems ignorant.

Yes, you hate that science huh.

Dallas is a hole, just not one as big as Houston.

Lol you are getting raped and you don’t even know. You are paying for these things.

Who doesn’t hate texans?

I think you will when they start voting.

I think the tip there is not to buy a large condom when you are not large.

I guess im spoiled in chicago. You just dont bring kids to a good steakhouse.

go watch some videos at how they do it in china. every male child is trump. every single one.

and how much are you paying for this steak at these spanking “steakhouses”

counter point. anything mindy kaling has been involved in.

lol derek doesnt know the different between rich and wealthy it seems.

Dont stop in the middle of the sidewalk either!