Yeah my mother-in-law baptized my husband when he was a baby because he got sick once and she thought he might die. Didn’t bring him to the ER, mind you.
Yeah my mother-in-law baptized my husband when he was a baby because he got sick once and she thought he might die. Didn’t bring him to the ER, mind you.
My relatives still ask me “how’s school.” Um, well, I quit grad school 5 years ago now. And I don’t even teach anymore. So, work is great. And I work at a school. So school is great I guess?
I would pay all the money for a Scientology memoir from Nicole.
like the self-congratulatory circle-jerk that Pantsuit Nation has become
I live in Oklahoma, just less than 2 hours north of Texas. And it really is a different country or something. We have really similar cultures: bbq, big trucks, racism. Except the driving! Oklahomans are actually super NICE drivers, and I just can’t take it in Texas. I’m like, but my blinker is on? Why did you speed…
I love my daughter more than anything I have ever loved. I would want to kill myself if I ever did anything to hurt her. And yet I could totally see me being the type of person who would do this. I’m very scatter-brained, and very often don’t remember the whole trip getting to work. I double-checked the car frequently…
As long as he doesn’t throw poison in the water main.
But I thought the problem was that many of the precincts are computer only with no paper backup.
I’m not actually getting my hopes up. Can you recount the tally on a hacked computer?
You’d think, in 2016, they could figure this out.
Well, I drove past a billboard that said, “You call it abortion. God calls it MURDER.” every day for a few years here in Oklahoma. Frankly, I’m surprised to hear they took this down.
Anyone who would prefer possibly hacked results, from what is not only an enemy nation but essentially a dictatorship, rather than a simple recount shouldn’t be humored in a democracy.
I mean she literally has nothing left to lose
Because I’m a navel-gazing liberal, I keep asking myself how I would react if the situation were reversed. If Trump had lost but his supporters were calling for recounts in key states with close results and this or similar evidence (they’re claiming illegal immigrants voted, not Russian hacking, right?).
I thought people saying democracy is dead were jumping the gun, if not being totally melodramatic. I no longer think this.
Mostly if the Republicans do nothing from congress, it’s going to be up to the Dems to obstruct as much as possible on the most egregious things that are likely to come. And then we the people have to be as vocal as possible and just keep pushing and shining light on what he does. And then HOPEFULLY turn out in large…
His English accent always throws me. He looks like at least 10 guys I know in Oklahoma.
Totally understand why a 14 year old would be so scared of dying that she would wish for this.
I think the Trump camp is trying to numb us with the parade of assholes. Each one will get less outrage than the last.