Maybe it’s a good thing to do now and then. When people get hooked up to your short stuff, they might take the time to read the long ones. :)
Maybe it’s a good thing to do now and then. When people get hooked up to your short stuff, they might take the time to read the long ones. :)
That was one shoddily-built house. If he bumped into something and brought the whole thing down, her dad should have congratulated Archie on saving their lives in the future, and vowed hire licensed contractors in the future!
I just wanted to highlight the one moment. Sometimes I do that too!
What’s with all this Brunette-washing in Hollywood?! Cast a ginger or don’t bother.
Shocked that he's not English like 90% of people on US tv but Kiwi will do as a kind of substitute
What’s with the ginger erasure going on in Hollywood?
Fingers crossed. It would be really strange if they didn’t though. Kind of ruin the whole point of using the Archie brand.
I guess this is the closest we’ll see Archie being a redhead.
No, he would make an excellent Reggie not Archie.
Reggie would have been a good choice of role for him.
Well, they’d better fucking dye his hair red and give him some motherfuckin’ freckles, or I’m out.
“Oh good, it’s on the CW.” -No One Ever
Archie without freckles is like Twin Peaks without damn fine coffee.
Couldn’t Hollywood cast an actual ginger? So tired of this.
Archie isn’t Archie unless he’s all gangly and gingery with inexplicable sex appeal.
You are correct. I just classify my Archies by the artists rather than the writers, I apologize for not clarifying that!
He wasn't ALWAYS asexual
I grew up on Archie comics (and other stuff), and I have to say that I dislike that he’s being locked down to any sexuality. I always saw him as a wild-card, and that’s why he’s my favorite character. I suppose that Zdarsky is using him the way that I like though, as he doesn’t expect future writers to continue in…
This interpretation is awesome. I love how it could also very reasonably be considered a phase. I went through several of those myself in high school; I tried very, very hard to be straight (even maintaining a 9 month relationship with a girl, one of my best friends) before finally giving up and admitting to the world…
fixed it for you