Alright sounds good, enjoy Destiny!
Alright sounds good, enjoy Destiny!
ok cool, I got it. I'll be on around 12:30 or so tonight :)
I didn't see a friend request, it may be cause I had too many people on my list, I had that happen before. I removed some people who haven't been on in over a year so I have room now. I usually don't get on until after midnight myself though since I work 2nd shift.
Could only dream that it would work as well as their chat does. I'm playing a bit now before I go to bed and the group I am playing with just left to play the Hero League, I don't have 10 heroes yet so I'm SOL I guess hehe.
Hahaha I'm right there with you. I know skype sucks for gameplay, but I do have unlimited data on my cell phone, so I use skype on there to not mess with my bandwidth (with easy access to mute so its like push to talk if I want)
Well you never know when it comes out of Beta a lot of thing will probably have changed. On the mumble note, I would love it if they just added a voice chat in themselves, though I seriously doubt that will happen. I have been using Skype a lot with people on HotS, but I do have Mumble, Ventrilo, TeamSpeak.... I'll…
Have you played the Hero League mode yet? I haven't paid any real money into HotS yet, so I haven't unlocked the necessary amount of Characters but it sounds like the Draft Mode there except the opposing team picking your characters.
I've said this before, it would be amazing if the "barcades" that are cropping up around the U.S. expanded their businesses to have a new arcade game room where you pay to play, while maintaining the free to play old games as long as you're drinking model they have now.
Thanks! Zelda is one my favorite game series, so I figured it was the best time to make something.
I would love to own that!
yeah I think that creepy ass moon is a cool design element for the game and looks great as part of a skin for the system, in my humble opinion that is :)
Thanks! I would buy it hehe
My first submission to the shop contest. :)
Woot Dry Bones made it in the links!
The graphics do look pretty good, but I only own a Wii U sadly I wont be playing Majora's Mask anytime soon :( Wah Waaaah
There are so many things Nintendo could do, I don't know how I feel about DLC in Zelda, though that seems to be the way of the world now. Maybe if it were set in the same world, but reversed or set at night. Something to differentiate the world from one game to the next would be nice. It's all in Nintendos hands, I…
First of all, I always love when someone can use the word "Kerfuffle" . Secondly I think the way things are going especially with e-sports realm, record labels will eventually be donating music while they are sponsoring individuals or teams or even twitch itself.
I agree it would be a shame to waste it and am totally in favor of more Zelda games for the console. :)
Well I'm sure you know they've already announced a new Zelda game for the Wii U to come out this year (hopefully) but this would still be a nice addition to the remake world I think. I agree though if the choice were remake or new game, I'll go with new game.
I feel your pain, I was disappointed too, plus for the fact that I just have a DS lite. I guess I'll just bust out my N64 cartridge :)