
My EXACT reaction to this story.

Oh yeah, I forgot about her!

What would be so hard about it? Nintendo owns the IP, they have the story complete. All they would need to do is render the game with updated HD graphics, like they did with WindWaker. If a fan could do this excellent of a job then I'm sure Nintendo could improve upon it even more.

... yes it was, I still want it.

I am aware its a fan trailer, that's not the point. Even as a fan made trailer this animation is great. In fact, I think this trailer looks better than the REAL one for Majoras Mask 3D.

Well I say cheers to the fan who created this, because it looks GORGEOUS! Who knows what Nintendo will actually do, I've heard people say things on both sides about whether this could be happening for the Wii U or not.

Now playing

I'm still hoping that they move forward with the Wii U HD version! I really want to play that!

"since Mortal Kombat II, when Midway realized they only had one female character and decided to fix that by adding one more and changing her colors twice."

Looks like my cute/evil iguana Sharkey.... although she wishes she had those wings!

#BringbackBirdo! That was the first thing I noticed when I played Mario Kart, Birdo was gone. I miss when she would pass you on the track and vocalize "WAAHWAHW"

Poor Artoo, the only one he can truly talk to is that stuffy C-3PO!

Now that we're in 2015, we will hopefully see a lot of great Nintendo games coming out. Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. tipped the scale for me to buy a Wii U. Now I'll wait for the new Zelda to come out and try some other games in the meantime. :)

My character ended up being a transgendered man that other characters continued to call "she" though I think that was a glitch…

I don't know whats worse food service people intentionally messing with someones food or this unintentional stuff... Either way when you get something you didn't bargain for, it makes you never want to visit the restaurant again.

I would be so excited to come across one of these treasures. The Zelda series is one of my favorites and to find a handmade item related to the game would make my day!

Yeah I am a bit of a perfectionist, but I do enjoy level building. I used to love the editor for the original starcraft. As far as Smash goes I haven't even looked at all that I can do with it yet. I thought it would be cool to download a mini game and try it out, but I guess I'll have to make a project out of it.

I got Smash Bros for x-mas but I haven't played much yet. I'm wondering how do you go about getting these mini games? Is it something you can download from other users or is it about crafting the mini game yourself?

Man, where was this 10 years ago?! le sigh

I Love this! My iguana wants one for her cage. It's way too cute for us lizard lovers :)

I have a little terrorist kitty of my own, who has her own spot to lay. I have my feet up on an ottoman and she curls up on top of them making them go numb, while I play Heroes of the Storm. Though I have to admit that it is better than her climbing on my keyboard like she used to.