
“Good heavens, no,” he told Jalopnik.

But illegal in the future

It doesn’t surprise me that Jaguar is already releasing a self driving car: Jaguar electrics have always had a mind of their own.

He’s known to keep the likes of a 2006 Porsche 911 Carrera S [...] in his garage.

“Please buckle up, the world can’t lose you”

I can’t tell you why you should care, I can only tell you my experiences. I like Toyota trucks, and I prefer them to domestics (Trucks including their SUV’s that are build as trucks). They are built heavy, simple and smart. I like that I can repair 90% of my land cruiser with a screw driver and a hand-full of metric

I think you may be missing the point a bit with this:

Everyone else in here’s an idiot. The real answer is Mustang Celica.

because pocketsized viper :)

Not only that, what he managed here was neither simple nor easy. Fixing a dead engine is one thing; cobbling together all this random crap and getting it to work is genuine accomplishment.

fucking beautiful.

Mythbusters showed that putting dimples in your car’s body would improve efficiency. But your car would look like a golf ball.

Hyundai Genesis. Reliable, has all the luxury creature comforts, cheap to own and scoots well. Here’s a 2015 for $20k in Norco.

Flex EcoBoost. Probably half his budget, stealthy quick, and NOBODY else has one. It’s also a natural step up from the PT Cruiser and Caliber if we’re talking family cars.

Clearly the answer is a Bentley Turbo R...

If you are rich enough to afford that, you are rich enough to afford your insurance. If you aren’t rich enough to afford your insurance, you are not rich enough to afford the car.



kill it with fire...

I had the sand on my private beach replaced with diamonds.