
It's very nice that you found an environment in which you are happy, but I do wish people would stop deferring to evolution every single time. The people who write books and push the idea that humans "evolved" or "didn't evolve" to be monogamous or play football or drive a Toyota Cressida do so with very flimsy

Her writing is full of imagery but seriously needs some workshopping. On the other hand, making your reader nauseous with hundreds of vague metaphors is definitely a skill so I don't know how to feel about this.

the baby is me & the glorious dancing apes were those sentences

Look. It's everyone's fault but those poor, misguided boys. They are good, white boys that had bright futures before the liberal political correctness machine mercilessly ruined their lives. They simply can't be blamed for being racist fuckwads. Only minorities, women, and gays can be blamed for their own actions (or

Hey. Leave some room for Jesus.

Exactly. It seems the only people not to blame for this particular expression of racisms are the poor, straight white bros. Totally not racist just victims of teh gays, rap music, and technology.

I don't know that anyone "cares" except for those that will nod along to whatever crap they spew, but it certainly is entertaining to a certain extent.

I thought vaginas were terrorism?

For people on the right who looooove talking about personal responsibility, I'm noticing a whole lot of finger pointing and absolutely no blame on the people who actually used this heinous language.

Ooh! Ooh! Can I play?!

But he's only ONE of their many, and I would assume, varied, nemeses. They admit they have multiple people that they would actually refer to as nemeses, and that is wonderful. They should really just start referring to their office as their lair and employees as henchmen at this point.

Is that in Comic Sans?

Yeah I mean this is the Family Research Council we're talking about. No association with actual research and at best a tenuous association with actual families. They are not to be quoted as an authority on anything, and frankly it would be best if they were never mentioned in the media, as that gives them a hint of

I don't think so. She repeatedly said she didn't want to be rude and didn't know how to react. He was her neighbor and an adult male who was helping her out. Yes, she was a fan, but I'm not sure what repercussions really needed to exist.

Tina Fey (via Matt Lauer) really nailed this one:
"I'm always amazed at what women will do because they're afraid of being rude,"

Nah, this is more accurate.

I don't want your cookies. I don't want my ass to be kissed. I don't even want to be your "ally."

I'm a man. I'm a feminist. Until a couple years ago I was a Board Member and Vice President of my state's NOW chapter, where I was happily accepted by all my colleagues.

The only people who think that feminists are "crazy" and "unreasonable" are assholes who don't genuinely believe in the cause in the first place.

Which he fully acknowledges in his special. Repeatedly. He fully acknowledges that he doesn't know what it's like to be a woman. He devotes a ton of the time in his special to feminism and to women in general. He never asked for a free pass on anything because he didn't do anything wrong. He asks that instead of