It does not matter if you like dogs becasue dogs like you.
It does not matter if you like dogs becasue dogs like you.
Don’t even try it, dude. He had affairs with employees. You need to check whatever bullshit knee-jerk commenting algorithm you’ve adopted for yourself. Seriously.
Oh look. An edgy person on the internets.
Third wave is mostly considered to be “choice feminism”. Like “I choose my choice so it is ok, and it has nothing to do with the patriarchy if I do porn/get plastic surgery/pretend to be dumb to get men etc”.
Briefly, first wave is suffragettes, second wave is Gloria Steinem et al during the 70s, and third-wave is Jezebel.
I’ve always defined third-wavers as the ones who let legislatures erode our abortion rights so they could talk about how much they liked porn, but that’s probably not what you’re looking for.
My co-worker listens to Top 40 Country for most of the shift, so I hear it many times over every day, which might explain my intense hatred for it. That said, it is a good deal better than Blake Shelton’s “I’ll Name The Dogs”.
I couldn’t make it past the opening of either song because neither of them are very good, but the opening piano parts sound almost exactly the same to me.
Hot take: “The Rest of My Life” is a terrible, terrible sappy song that will no doubt be played at every wedding reception.
Nah the A-Wings went to Japan. They like to fly into ships after all.
NO, A-Wings are much faster and more agile. We need speed to beat the Russians.
If he meant B-52, then he is still a moron. The B-52s are strategic bombers, and we certainly aren’t fighter jets. Norway wouldn’t want them and we aren’t selling (no other country in the world operates the B-52). We also have a very limited number we can posses under treaties with Russia, so we’d be at a disadvantage…
Did we also deliver some fucking X-Wings to the Finnish air force?
Hey Dan, here is a tip if you’re going to correct somebody and then be a dick about it. Try and at least have the correct information... he meant 52 F-35's.
The very stable genius is like, very stable.
Trump is still a brain dead moron, stop defending him.