
Your data backs Manny’s point.

We’re just going to ignore the Clintons and Trumps being close friends?

I’m pretty sure we don’t actually have a choice besides “failed state.”

Can’t wait for this to be re-branded “A Path to Citizenship!”

A glance at her staff’s past positions sort of confirms this, inasmuch as you’d wish this were hyperbole.

You’re confusing a meritocracy with a technocracy.

Gillibrand is about President Gillibrand. Nothing that’s being said or done by her camp at the moment has any other purpose.

I know Gillibrand personally.

These are always so tricky. Where are the other 25 seconds of video that will clear this up?

The 0% of Florida that is more than an hour from the beach.

“We’re barely journalists!” - purported journalists

That really has nothing to do with it. The ‘felon’ label actively prevents them from getting better work and recidivism means they’re more likely to end up slaves again.

It isn’t waterboarding if you use diesel.

I’m sorry, Satan. You’ve asked for too much this time. I can’t advocate for a used car salesman.

Burt Reynold’s weave was in Fast 5.

Nope. We still have slavery. It’s outlined in the 13th Amendment.

This is wrong and you know it. All of Mark’s lines are:

Look. I wanted all of these things, especially the animated series, but we’ve got some problems people.

If firearm training were part of the grade school curriculum, we’d at least have fewer firearm accidents. Also we’d probably quickly find our way to a limitation on the privilege of bearing arms.