Scientific fact > general cultural attitudes/genetic fidelity rites. If science doesn't work a certain way, your cultural magic finger-wiggling won't make it true.
Scientific fact > general cultural attitudes/genetic fidelity rites. If science doesn't work a certain way, your cultural magic finger-wiggling won't make it true.
I'm not saying genocide isn't a big deal (it is) I'm saying one can drastically decrease the ease with which a genocide can be committed by spreading out more instead of living in a tiny village and refusing to marry out. Any plan that is one mudslide away from wiping out an entire people is a shit plan.
Seeing as how religion (a set of ideologies) has no impact upon one's DNA and genetic sequencing, I'm going go go ahead and say "so what" to your second point. I have a strong inkling, maybe even as far as a hunch, to say a Mormon marrying a Taoist probably won't doom a nation. Inner group fidelity or not, ones…
I can't feel sorry for a panda that won't fuck to save it's species, so I won't feel sorry for a group's refusal to allow outside marriages in order to spread their clan's chances of survuvability.
probably the same kind of people who use 'rape' to describe everything they do or everything that happens to them in the multilayer games. "I raped him" "Oh man, our team just got raped" "I want to mod a bunch of rapists into a game to make rape on people with rape rape" etc etc.
It's not difficult at all, watch this.
whoops, same person, wrong thread/subject in the same article my mistske. You're right this was my Religion thread, not my Governmental Hypocrisy thread.
If two different people leak classified documents illegally, and one suffers punishment but the other does not, the the only thing lacking a moral compass is the application of law.
Except normal everyday people DO read those passages and do those horrible things. And they *cite those passages as justification* A normal person reads the bible and walks away a homophobe, shouting scripture at gay marches. That happens. That's a thing that happens. ALL THE TIME. A normal mother and father are…
A classified report, leaked before officially declassified, is a crime. That's the law. Now we can either be a nation that adheres to our laws, or we can be a nation where our laws are mere suggestions, only applied to certain special people, and exempt for others. You know, like all those other nations we…
Maybe they should amend that part of their culture then? It's called adaptability.
But the problem is that it's *still in the text* that means that anyone, anytime, can pick up these books and find moral and ethical justifications for abhorrent behavior.
Leaking stuff on purpose to rally support is exactly what people do. If we're going to punish one for it, we must punish all.
So THIS still currently classified report is okay to leak, but other classified reports will get you hunted like a traitor and stranded in Russia?
American corporations have done an exceedingly good job of convincing the working class that they totally have the people's best interests in mind, as well as this mentality of "what's good for the company is good for all."
18 hour a day crunch time, no overtime pay, zero job security, *maybe* corporate help after getting laid off, bonuses getting promised then withheld, outlandish milestones, wildly out of control costs, and you guys think change is going to come from the top down?
No problem. :)
Don't forget your own country's Constitution. Gotta start burning parts of that too. You know...for safety...
This has just taken my Cookie Clicker game to a whole new level...
This has just taken my Cookie Clicker game to a whole new level...