
No, and until the internet finds a way to deliver news in .gif format to people like you, you'll just have to relearn how to read.

Hands down my favorite RPG ever with Suikoden II in a close second. Just real fast thoughts since I'm at work.

I've seen him on Northern Shiverpeaks once, or someone exactly like him.

Capitalism! Job Creators! Bootstraps!

Mmmmm, chocolate.... D'oh!

Well, those anti-choicers are going to be even MORE upset when they find out that I scoop out the chocolate ice cream but leave the vanilla inside...

I *lean* towards America telling the truth, but then again we do have that whole WMD thing hanging over our heads so I'm not so sure. ..

yeah, that would be a mess. I mean we both know the answer is whatever the unregulated free market will allow. If one CAN enslave someone, and it's in their best interest, then they should. If the slave doesn't want to be a slave he will break his chains, or else he doesn't want it bad enough to deserve freedom.

You're quoting the guy who started a war with his own country to ensure the federal government's right to tell business owners who they can and cannot enslave to prove a point about the evils of government overreach and mandates?

It's almost cute how you think letting the richest most powerful people free from regulation won't just immediately revert back to that behavior.

incentive is the key word there because it still means they want to. Look I GET you're all against mandates and regulations and all that, but we already lived in that world, remember? That worled where companies could do and treat people how they wanted with no "evil" oversight. That world gave us 16 hour work

you honestly think corps won't find a way to pocket that money they should be giving to the employee? Whole I support your decoupling plan (convert entire health car package into its equivalent dollar amount, then take that amount and add it to the salary of the employee) there's NO WAY companies won't find a way to

18,000 jobs. How much money you want to bet not even half a dozen of those jobs are executives or guys who make near seven figures? Life must be good at the top where you're either immune, or have that re-usable Golden Parachute.

But have saved the lives of half a dozen people.

More women should seriously start killing their abusive husbands since cops don't do anything until it's too late, and even if you DO gather the strength and leave, they'll just track you down and murder your entire extended family, like this piece of work...

Don't forget his masturbating to military and military imagery.

I'm still waiting for that free-to-play mobile game that a recent-is article got me pumped about. My phone features a desperate lack of any worthwhile (free) games.

Breaking News: American man chooses what company he wants to work for.

I suppose lawless, unshackled, unrestricted, 'anything-goes' anarchy worked for the animal kingdom. I see no reason why such a policy could ever be detrimental to the development and maintenance of a stable, long-lasting civilization.

So your "solution" is to admit their tactics are legitimate and right, and follow them into Crazy Town?