
Actual women are actually suffering and should actually be protected, yes, you and I 100% agree. However they should be protected openly, honestly, in a straightforward legal manner and NOT with the same legal loophole-maneuvering, technicality-exploiting, sidestepping manner that has defined the most despicable and

That dude should have felt *honored* to have delivered some Night Cheesefries to a strong feminist's door...

So that's the new modus operandi then? Sneaky, backdoor, double speaking, legal technicalities? That's how we want to run things? Where what we say isn't what we mean, what we mean isn't what we say, and we can subvert entire lawbooks by turning tgem at a slight angle? "legit"-backdoor tactics shouldn't be "just

Dragon Age and Borderlands. Well, my month's done! That was painless. :D

I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer here, but isn't this backdoor/technicality/gotcha/'I'm not touching yooooou' sort of legal semantics the exact same crap Conservatives pull all the time? It's how they prevent Obama from making recess appointments when they're on recess because one intern shows up to say they're

"The headline speaks louder than the article."

You can't. Ergo the reality that you can measure observe and weigh takes precedent and must be the base moving forward.

Reality is reality. Observable, testable, repeatable, evidence-based reality is the only one there is. If you have two marbles, and I give you two more, you don't have 47 marbles just because you believe you do.

"thinking/believing" and "scientific fact" are two different things, and only one of them has any weight in reality.

with actual pie at the end! Brilliant!

*Reads headline*

That's called Cultural Appropriation, and it's why people get called out for wearing Native American headdresses or Bindis as cute fashion statements...

Hold up...are there seriously people out there *scared* to see a movie alone? That's a thing? A Real Thing That Happens IRL?

I see a lot of dollar signs being thrown around in those "solutions." Let's talk more about getting these channels on the 'free' side of things...

Oh my Glob, where can I sign up?

Where does life begin? As soon as science answers that question, we'll let you know. Until then, women are free to get any medical procedure they want.

It won't. NNote the ruling explicitly separated these anti-abortion people from other "real" protesters. So these nice church going folk are just regular citizens who simply want to talk, but those thugs at the G6 summits are dangerous protesters who must be confined to "Free Speech Zones."

Just over 10? 15? Game Dev Tycoon, Halo Spartan Assault, Gone Home, FTL, debating Banner Saga and Child of Light, but since I mostly console game I'm not sure I should just get it for my 360 instead if it's there.

Now that it happened to a man, I wonder how quickly we'll see more anti-revenge porn laws on the books, backed with sudden support?

Oh, they WILL, but the metaphorical gun isn't out yet. This is just one woman and some bad PR (in their minds) When it gets bad enough god will "mysteriously" intervene and tell them to change their ways like they did in the past.