
They don't pay taxes because they're too poor. Increase their pay, which will bump them up in tax brackets and thus, they'll pay taxes.

And in five months since the right people don't vote/care about non-presidential elections, or incredibly underestimate the right wing crazies, it's going to be the Senate too. You think things are bad now...

What does that say though, about a group that reaches moral, inclusive decisions only at the point of a gun?

Putting aside the emotional and psychological scars caused by unrelenting childhood indoctrination, it still blows my mind that people would *willingly* associate themselves with groups that actively marginalized or despise them.

"not allowed" depends on who's saying it. Federal judge? Okay, sounds serious. Some old fuck in magic underwear? who the hell cares?

I want to marry this post.

You mean the employee who has the self respect enough that he won't tell his family to fuck off for three months for ZERO extra compensation so his boss can get that bonus five times his salary?

Crunching happens because

Why do I suspect that their "acceptance" of gay marriage extends only up to their victory speech, and then it's right back to business as usual?

Your argument is that dogs are special. My argument is that they are no more special than ten thousand years of training would have made any other close species. Cows and pigs and all those creatures express love and emotion and care, yet we slaughter them by he MILLIONS. Dogs are not special.

Exactly. I eat meat, which means I accept that a cruelty must be delivered upon a sentient creature capable of emotional experience, i.e. slaughtering it. There is no difference in killing a cow that did not need to die, than killing a dog that did not need to die. We, in America think it's wrong to do so simply

If we gave chickens and pigs thousand upon thousand of years of the same symbiotic treatment and conditioning, yes. It just happened to be dogs.

Ah, Capitalism...where you can just not pay people for their work. I'm *sure* the top boys there are having paycheck and bonus troubles too, of course.

What does it say about me, as a man, that I saw the header image of the woman on the couch, imagined coming home to that sight and immediately saying "Sweetie, that's a thousand dollar white leather couch, please don't poke holes in it with your heels,".

Is it? I've never competed with or against anyone when I played and beat the game multiple times through.

If your suicide game deals with the complex emotions and issues surrounding suicide, as well as helps some people to better understand the tangle of emotions it brings from different perspectives then yeah, I think you should make it and I look forward to the unique experience! :D

By that token, the video game death of a video game child is not depressing or psychological, and no more psychologically terrifying than a child playing 'dead'. It is therefore video game-y and fun.

By your definition Modern Warfare shouldn't be a game then because war and killing people is emotionally and psychologically painful, and not in any way "fun."

It is an issue. Imagine your own admitted example where the fact that you had a wife just casually came out. Now imagine you were fired for it shortly after.

Anti-vaxx people shouldn't be allowed to get medical assistance from the very same medical community they're claiming to be SOOOO much smarter than.