
The difference that determines these things are reality, facts, data, evidence etc etc. SSo to take your example (and it is a good example) we would begin to question the merits of those beliefs. "Is there enough credible evidence, facts, and data, to support the idea that gay marriage is toxic and harmful?" That is

True, and that's what I was attempting to say, albiet poorly. Anyone can believe anything they want. It's when they ACT on those beliefs, we must begin to question them.

Tolerance does not mean giving everyone a blank check for all behaviors and beliefs. Should we be tolerant of people who dump oil in the city's river? Sometimes, certain beliefs are as toxic to a society as polluting a river. People want to believe evolution is a lie or that the eart is flat? Fine, believe it. But

Personally, I would be more excited about E3 if I, as a Gamer, wasn't so thoroughly and consistently lied to at almost every single demo and reveal. Watch Dogs? Wouldn't it be awesome if they delivered the product they advertised in the looks, shape and form it was advertised in? Dark Souls 2? Sure didn't look like

I think the only flaw in your analysis is not mentioning the massive "wait, I thought you were the Good Guys?" moment in KOTOR 1 where the noble Jedi admit to mind-wiping you in a blatant attempt to manipulate someone into doing what they want. A very large Grey Area for what we always thought the Jedi to be.

As someone who is 1/16th Comanche, those 63rd assholes can seriously fuck off, they are SO annoying.

I can't/shouldn't Google "angelina jolie dress" at work so ill assume it was interesting. However I think the two of us are operating on two different definitions of the word "sexualized". sexualized doesn't mean 'thinks is attractive', it means 'to reduce down to only being viewed for sexual gratification with no

"But Men!". Yes I am well aware that men can be, and are occasionally sexually objectified in media. Are they to the degree women are? Is our worth often juged first and foremost for our bodies? Are we sexually harrased on the street on an almost daily basis? When we dress up for conventions, do people

It always amazes how often the victims of bullying become bullies themselves. Then again, children of abusive parents are statistically more likely to become child abusers themselves, so I suppose there is precedent.

Often times the people going into the American military are people with very few options, usually poorer people who need the money/training for better things they can't quite get yet. There's not too many Yale prospects in the recruiter's offices...

80 hours a week is abuse. Period.

forgive the typos, kinja and my phone do NOT get along. :(

I desperately want to hear from people at Ubisoft. SSpecifically about the difference in work grind at their French locations verses elsewhere in the world. IIf France,with their reduced work hours and very labor-friendly laws can keep up the workload of other countries, doesn't that make the industry-wide practice

Keeping your head down and not rocking the boat in the face of abuse has never brought positive change

Truth, good thing to mention. :)

You are making a basic reading comprehension mistake in assuming that the violence *itself* is what I have a problem with, which is false. My problem lies in the fact that enacting violence has become almost the default, go-to, instant, primary method of conflict resolutio in the majority of our games. It's become

In reference to the gun article, not only am I in agreement, but I'm also generally saddened by how the *VAST* majority of problems in games are solved by either shooting it, stabbing it, or burning/blowing it up. We have some of the most creative people all over the industry, yet violence seems to be the go-to

Oh, *I'm* not judging him. I think he's free to do what he wants with his life. The holy text that most religious people derive their rules from (rules that supposedly apply to everyone whether you want it or not) says otherwise. The only thing doing the judging here is a 2000 year old set of unflinching rules that

It's definitely possible, Religion is pretty good at coming up with loopholes and mental gymnastics to get out of/justify things. Here's hoping his gamble paid off. :(

Hey, I know, awful right? I totally agree. But it's not my god and definitely not my rules. I wouldn't have written a rule that cruel myself, but that's just what it says.