Must not have been paying close attention in church, because unless his wife was a bad person, suicide is going to take him in the opposite direction he probably wanted to go...
Must not have been paying close attention in church, because unless his wife was a bad person, suicide is going to take him in the opposite direction he probably wanted to go...
my guess is the peppermint party works with their ignorant racism as well: it may be brown on the outside, but deep down it wants to be white.
I personally think modern houses are amazing looking. The abundant natural light, all the windows, minimalistic interior and furnishings...if I was at home instead of work I'd seriously just start posting amazing looking modern interiors or houses.
Notice the phrasing of their half-apology: "We regret that you people perceived our behavior as shitty." and not "our behavior was shitty.".
"Really Shitty Behavior Sanctioned By Holy Text.".
The passing of Evil is always a good thing.
loooooottt of Body Shaming and Mommy Wars goin' down in this comment section...
"It's worth noting: these are early screenshots of an unfinished game. The final product will likely look different, and we hear the textures will look much better when Unity is out later this year."
I maintain to this day that Microsoft will re-patch the always online requirement before this generation is out. This IS a wild dog, and people would be wise to not take their eyes off it for a second.
I wouldn't say they're listening so much as they're just biding their time.
actually, they do. I can't play any of my 360 or ps3 games on this gen, and some games have had their servers shut down entirely.
yuuuuupp! Our FC's static 1.5 hour Coil clears? EVERYONE wanted in on that. Titan EX or Ifrit EX learning party? bailed after an hour or didn't want to come back next raid day to practice progression more.
going over is bad in that it offers no benefit and reduces efficiency. for example, using totally made up numbers, if hit cap is 100, and you're at 150 hit and 100 damage, you will never miss and do 100 damage. But if this other guy is at exactly the cap at 100, and then used those extra points to get his damage to…
I mean, no one is saying you have to play your respective classes perfectly or gtfo, but (for example) a black mage that is only casting ice spells because they "like ice" isn't helping anyone. Or a monk that only attacks from behind and never flanks, or summoners that bane without full dots up, etc etc.
It's funny because the game isn't as hard as people MAKE it. I think the game has more Final Fantasy fans than MMO fans if you know what I mean. people not even bothering to learn their rotations, know how to maximize their dps, people think their I90 gear makes them good despite the horrible stat allocation, etc etc.
Why wouldn't you? Amazon can't ship me my games in the 45 minutes it takes to drive there and back, and my internet download speed for both my console and computer is so unbelievably slow that Amazon could ship the game via horse courier faster than it would take for a digital purchase and download. I'm not joking…
When reached for comment, SXSW attemdees described the event as "innovative emerging automotive design solutions for game-changing industry paradigm shifts."
which is incredibly bizarre since, given their own mindset and values, there would be nothing more "beta" than allowing their worth to be determined by other people...yet there they whine... shrugs
can I play? okay, here goes:
listening to Americans talk about "doing something" about mental health care is like listening to that lazy roommate talk about how he's going to turn his life around.